The Virtue of al-Madinah and the Etiquettes of Residing in and Visiting the City

Price: $13.00
Author:  Sh. Abdul Muhsin al-Abbad al-Badr
Publisher:  Islamic Reminders Publications
Availability:  In Stock
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126 Pages, Paperback.

This book informs the reader of various virtues of the great city of al-Madinah along with several rulings related to visiting and residing in the city.

You can find the great knowledge and guidance for all Muslims, especially those who plan to visit this great city of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Elahi Wasalam) and 

his companions (Raziallaho Anhu). This book also contains detailed clarification of many misconceptions and false beliefs held by many Muslims.

The author refutes tose misconceptions with solid evidence and proofs so that a believer can visit this city in accordance with the authentic

legislation of Islam and avoid actions which are not legislated in the religion.

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