Personality development

Price: $10.00
Author:  Abdulkarim Bakkar
Publisher:  Dakwah Corner Publications
Availability:  In Stock
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Personality Development By Abdul Karim Bakkar

ISBN: 9789670835129

From an Islamic vision, the human being is the center of universe. A quick review of the verses of the Glorious Quran and the Sunnah, statements, actions and traditions of Allah's Messenger (SAW), reveals more than 90% of both revolve around the human being. There are very few verses in the Glorious Quran that address the improvement of the environment and the inhabitants and construction of the earth. But the majority of the verses of the Glorious Quran and the majority of the efforts done by the Prophet of Islam; Mohammad (SAW) throughout his blessed life revolve around the reformation of the human being. If the human being is reformed, then, the entire life would be reformed and fine.

Paper back/soft cover. 62 pages

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